
Where to buy Apple products? From local reseller to Apple Store if there’s one in your country to online AppleStore. From a country to another price change a lot! Up to one third more, where are locate the cheapest products from ipod, to macbook pro? Well one thing is for sure it’s not where you think.

I made a little comparaison with the online AppleStores, in USA of course, France, Uk, Japan and Germany. AppleStore USA was used as reference, or is supposed to have the cheapest price since they do direct sales online.
It’s very interesting since in some cases, at least on most expensive products it’s cheaper to fly in the country and buy it, than buy it your current country.
Major surprise is that Apple USA [b]DOES NOT[/b] provide the cheapest prices. Wait a minute, can you imagine this? Apple more expensive than other countries? Well yes at in one case. Japan is for eg. cheaper on Ipod nano 4Go, how cheap? Well not enought for you to get a ticket to Tokyo but 4.13% cheaper.
Other countries like France is way expensive on all products. Up to 25% more expensive than the price provided on the US AppleStore on Ipod video.

Comparaison charts:

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