
HenWen is a network security package for Mac OS X that makes it easy to configure and run Snort, a free Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). HenWen’s goal is to simplify setting up and maintaining software that will scan network traffic for undesirable traffic a firewall may not block. Everything you need to have is bundled in; there is no compiling or command line use necessary. Now fully compatible 10.3

-Drag and drop installation (no installer or uninstaller necessary)

-Includes a precompiled Snort 2.0.6 binary for Mac OS X (with the Spade patch applied)

-Supports all major Snort preprocessor and output plugins

-Supports statistical packet anomaly detection with Silicon Defense’s Spade

-Supports all Snort rule sets, and makes it easy to add additional rule sets

-Supports configuring all current Snort rule variables

-Supports direct logging to MySQL databases

-Supports ODBC database logging (for PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, and more)

-Supports auto-blocking

-Can update Snort rules over the network

-Can set up Snort to run at system startup

-Includes a helper application, LetterStick, which can:

-Provide real-time security alert pop-up windows

-E-Mail alerts as they are received

-Speak the alert text, or play a sound effect, when an alert is received

-Use Terminal to view the Snort logs

-Supports modem and broadband network connections

-Runs on HFS+, UFS, AFP, and NFS volumes (SMB and other volume types should work as well, but they haven’t been tested)

-Available in English, German, French, and Spanish (in the same package)

Version 2.0.4 includes Updated to Snort 2.0.6, which is another bug fix release and Auto-blocking should now work in Mac OS X 10.3.

download [url=http://seiryu.home.comcast.net/software/HenWen2.0.4.dmg.gz]HenWen 2.0.4[/url]

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