
HenWen is a network security package for Mac OS X that makes it easy to configure and run Snort, a free Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). HenWen’s goal is to simplify setting up and maintaining software that will scan network traffic for undesirable traffic a firewall may not block. Everything you need to have is bundled in; there is no compiling or command line use necessary.

minor update including few fixes:

-Snort now runs in Mac OS X 10.2.x again…
-Also fixed rule set updating again.

[url=http://deepquest.code511.com/os_X_tools/HenWen2.0.3.dmg.tgz]HenWen 2.0.3[/url]
by[url=http://seiryu.home.comcast.net/henwen.html]Nick Zitzmann[/url]

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  1. Armor2net Personal Firewall software provides a complete spectrum of Internet security and Internet privacy for computers. The program protects the computer from hackers, data thieves, and other Internet-based dangers.

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