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Apple Security Advisory 2013-05-16-1

Apple Security Advisory 2013-05-16-1 – iTunes 11.0.3 is now available and addresses multiple vulnerabilities. In versions prior to 11.0.3, an attacker in a privileged network position may manipulate HTTPS server certificates, leading to the disclosure of sensitive information and a man-in-the-middle attack is possible while browsing the iTunes Store via iTunes and may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.

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Lulzsec hackers now behind bars

Posted by deepquest under Android, Apple, facebook, iphone, Lulz, m$, Privacy, Security, tools, twitter (No Respond)

A BRITISH court has jailed four young men, members of the group Lulz Security, for up to 32 months for a series of cyber attacks.

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4 Lulzsec hackers jailed for cyberattacks

Posted by deepquest under Android, Apple, facebook, iphone, Lulz, m$, Privacy, Security, tools, twitter (No Respond)

A BRITISH court has jailed four young men, members of the group Lulz Security, for up to 32 months for a series of cyberattacks.

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Chagossians: Wikileaks cables not admissible in court – UK Human Rights Blog (blog)

Posted by deepcore under Apple, DDOS, facebook, m$, Privacy, Security, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Chagossians: Wikileaks cables not admissible in court UK Human Rights Blog (blog) The cables contain confidential information. If the court disallowed the FCO's witnesses from relying on the NCND policy, the court would be in breach of s.6 because there would be repercussions for the future use of Wikileaks cables, foreign relations ..

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Just for Lulz: timeline of hacks

Lulz Security gained notoriety in 2011 for hacking government and corporate websites “for fun”.

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Part 2: Economic crisis – The Guardian (Australia)

Posted by deepcore under facebook, m$, Security, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

The Guardian (Australia) Part 2: Economic crisis The Guardian (Australia) From the Wikileak cables, it seems Whitlam's own adviser Peter Wilenski was keeping the US well informed of internal tensions and the mood of the government. In August 1974, he noted that Whitlam was “in a fatalistic mood, irritated by conflicting …

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WikiLeaks publishes five-hour conversation between Eric Schmidt and Julian … – The Verge

TechSpot WikiLeaks publishes five-hour conversation between Eric Schmidt and Julian … The Verge Google chairman Eric Schmidt and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange secretly met in 2011 and held a lengthy interview, according to a transcript published on the whistleblowing site.

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Premature exultation –

Posted by deepcore under Apple, facebook, m$, Privacy, smartphone, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Premature exultation Read in this context, the recent WikiLeak of a 2010 US diplomatic cable is most telling. MILF peace negotiator Michael Mastura was quoted to have said that the peace process was “too complicated for [then] Senator Aquino to understand.” Given the ..

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Mac OS X 10.8.3 ftpd Remote Resource Exhaustion

ftpd on Mac OS X 10.8.3 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability.

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WikiLeaks’ New Release: The Kissinger Cables and Bradley Manning – Democracy Now (blog)

Posted by deepcore under facebook, m$, Security, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Democracy Now (blog) WikiLeaks ' New Release: The Kissinger Cables and Bradley Manning Democracy Now (blog) WikiLeaks has released a new trove of documents, more than 1.7 million U.S. State Department cables dating from 1973-1976, which they have dubbed “The Kissinger Cables,” after Henry Kissinger, who in those years served as secretary of state and ..

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