What Could Be In Wikileak’s Giant 349GB ‘Insurance’ File? – Gizmodo Australia
What Could Be In Wikileak's Giant 349GB 'Insurance' File? Gizmodo Australia It's not uncommon for Wikileaks to post an encrypted “insurance” file from time to time, with the key to follow on a latter date if at all, just in case. But 349GB is nothing to sneeze at; that's a huge chunk of something.
Tags: australia, celebrity, gamesWikileaks Just Released A Massive ‘Insurance’ File That No One Can Open – Business Insider
Wikileaks Just Released A Massive 'Insurance' File That No One Can Open Business Insider You can download the files via torrent but since they are encrypted — and Wikileaks has not yet provided the key — you won't be able to open them. We can garner at least one thing of note from the file names alone: They probably have a very high … and more
Tags: banking, facebook, Security, small-businessWhat Could Be In Wikileak’s Giant 349GB "Insurance" File? – Gizmodo
WikiLeaks’s baby-faced traitor – Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney Morning Herald WikiLeaks's baby-faced traitor Sydney Morning Herald Thordarson gave the FBI a large amount of data on WikiLeaks , including private chat message logs, photographs, and contact details of volunteers, activists, and journalists affiliated with the organisation. Thordarson alleges that the FBI even asked …
Tags: wikileakManning "demande pardon" pour les fuites de WikiLeaks – Le Nouvel Observateur
Le Nouvel Observateur Manning “demande pardon” pour les fuites de WikiLeaks Le Nouvel Observateur L'accusé de 25 ans a toujours reconnu avoir transmis 700.000 documents militaires et diplomatiques au site internet WikiLeaks qui les a publiés, mais il nie catégoriquement avoir voulu nuire aux Etats-Unis et dit avoir espéré provoquer un débat mondial.
Tags: Apple, twitter, wikileaksWikiLeaks cables: US ‘lobbied Russia on behalf of Visa and MasterCard’ – The Guardian
The Guardian WikiLeaks cables: US 'lobbied Russia on behalf of Visa and MasterCard' The Guardian A state department cable released this afternoon by WikiLeaks reveals that US diplomats intervened to try to amend a draft law going through Russia's duma, or lower house of parliament. Their explicit aim was to ensure the new law did not “disadvantage … and more
Tags: foreign-policy, hacker, var-scriptWikiLeaks founder, Australian Senate candidate Assange says he’s proud of … – Washington Post
The Age WikiLeaks founder, Australian Senate candidate Assange says he's proud of …
Tags: anonymous, load, twp, typeof-twttr, wikileakJulian Assange, Politician, Wants To WikiLeak Australian Politics: Interview – Motherboard (blog)
Julian Assange, Politician, Wants To WikiLeak Australian Politics: Interview Motherboard (blog) Our visit coincided with the conviction of Bradley Manning, the young US Army private whose alleged espionage put WikiLeaks on the map. Assange spoke to us about political payback, his plans for freeing the most famous whistle-blower in history, and ..
Tags: anonymous, facebook, julian-assange, surveillance, wikileak