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Manning "demande pardon" pour les fuites de WikiLeaks – Le Nouvel Observateur

Posted by deepcore under Android, Apple, DDOS, facebook, iphone, m$, tools, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Le Nouvel Observateur Manning “demande pardon” pour les fuites de WikiLeaks Le Nouvel Observateur L'accusé de 25 ans a toujours reconnu avoir transmis 700.000 documents militaires et diplomatiques au site internet WikiLeaks qui les a publiés, mais il nie catégoriquement avoir voulu nuire aux Etats-Unis et dit avoir espéré provoquer un débat mondial.

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Packet Storm Advisory 2013-0813-1 – Oracle Java IntegerInterleavedRaster.verify()

The IntegerInterleavedRaster.verify() method in Oracle Java versions prior to 7u25 is vulnerable to a signed integer overflow that allows bypassing of “dataOffsets[0]” boundary checks. This vulnerability allows for remote code execution

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Packet Storm Exploit 2013-0813-1 – Oracle Java IntegerInterleavedRaster.verify() Signed Integer Overflow

The IntegerInterleavedRaster.verify() method in Oracle Java versions prior to 7u25 is vulnerable to a signed integer overflow that allows bypassing of “dataOffsets[0]” boundary checks. This exploit code demonstrates remote code execution by popping calc.exe. It was obtained through the Packet Storm Bug Bounty program.

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Packet Storm Advisory 0811-1 – Oracle Java storeImageArray()

Oracle Java versions prior to 7u25 suffer from an invalid array indexing vulnerability that exists within the native storeImageArray() function inside jre/bin/awt.dll. This vulnerability allows for remote code execution.

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Oracle Java storeImageArray() Invalid Array Indexing Code Execution

Oracle Java versions prior to 7u25 suffer from an invalid array indexing vulnerability that exists within the native storeImageArray() function inside jre/bin/awt.dll.

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WikiLeaks founder, Australian Senate candidate Assange says he’s proud of … – Washington Post

Posted by deepcore under facebook, m$, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

The Age WikiLeaks founder, Australian Senate candidate Assange says he's proud of …

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Julian Assange, Politician, Wants To WikiLeak Australian Politics: Interview – Motherboard (blog)

Posted by deepcore under DDOS, facebook, m$, Privacy, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Julian Assange, Politician, Wants To WikiLeak Australian Politics: Interview Motherboard (blog) Our visit coincided with the conviction of Bradley Manning, the young US Army private whose alleged espionage put WikiLeaks on the map. Assange spoke to us about political payback, his plans for freeing the most famous whistle-blower in history, and ..

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Bradley Manning’s Convictions – Democracy Now (blog)

Posted by deepcore under DDOS, facebook, m$, Security, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Bradley Manning's Convictions Democracy Now (blog) These lines came from the chapter “Information in War,” a topic that resonates today, from Fort Meade, Md., where Pfc. Bradley Manning has just been convicted of espionage in a military court, to the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where WikiLeaks … and more

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Snowden to release ‘important statement’ on Manning verdict – WikiLeaks – Kyiv Post

Posted by deepcore under DDOS, facebook, m$, Security, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

Kyiv Post Snowden to release 'important statement' on Manning verdict – WikiLeaks Kyiv Post The man who blew the lid off America's dragnet web spying program, Edward Snowden, is going to release an important statement today on the case of WikiLeak's chief informant, Bradley Manning, the whistle-blowing website has said in Twitter. 5 Things to Know This Morning ABC News all 162 news articles

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WikiLeaks appeals Manning verdict in US courts – Assange – The Voice of Russia

Posted by deepcore under DDOS, facebook, m$, Security, tools, twitter, Wikileak (No Respond)

WikiLeaks appeals Manning verdict in US courts – Assange The Voice of Russia WikiLeak's co-founder Julian Assange said the decision made yesterday by a US court martial must be reconsidered and annulled. He stressed Manning's conviction on a number of counts set a “dangerous precedent” and was an example of “national ..

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