Đảng Wikileaks gặp rắc rối trong kế hoạch tranh cử – Đài Á Châu Tự Do
Đảng Wikileaks gặp rắc rối trong kế hoạch tranh cử Đ
Tags: facebook, julian-assange, multimedia, wikileakĐảng Wikileaks gặp rắc rối trong kế hoạch tranh cử Đ
Tags: facebook, julian-assange, multimedia, wikileakABC News Bradley Manning wants to live as a woman named Chelsea | Reuters Reuters By Susan Heavey and Ian Simpson. WASHINGTON | Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:44pm EDT
Tags: cached-bkcatid, json2, wikileakITV News US solider jailed for 35 years in WikiLeaks case ITV News US soldier Bradley Manning was jailed for 35 years at a military court in Maryland.
Tags: Apple, calendar, entertainment, wikileakIBTimes.co.uk Bradley Manning Sentence a Victory, Says WikiLeaks ' Julian Assange [VIDEO] IBTimes.co.uk Julian Assange has praised the 35-year prison sentence handed down to US Army intelligence whistleblower Bradley Manning as a victory.
Tags: anonymous, economy, education, hacker, real-estateInternational Business Times AU Key WikiLeaks Senate candidate quits due to lack of 'democratic processes' ABC Online The bid by WikiLeaks Party founder Julian Assange to win seats in the Senate has taken a blow, with a key candidate quitting because of a lack of transparency and accountability in the party. Author and ethicist, Leslie Cannold, is second on the …
Tags: business, entertainment, facebook, hacker, twitterSydney Morning Herald WikiLeaks's baby-faced traitor Sydney Morning Herald Thordarson gave the FBI a large amount of data on WikiLeaks , including private chat message logs, photographs, and contact details of volunteers, activists, and journalists affiliated with the organisation. Thordarson alleges that the FBI even asked …
Tags: wikileakLe Nouvel Observateur Manning “demande pardon” pour les fuites de WikiLeaks Le Nouvel Observateur L'accusé de 25 ans a toujours reconnu avoir transmis 700.000 documents militaires et diplomatiques au site internet WikiLeaks qui les a publiés, mais il nie catégoriquement avoir voulu nuire aux Etats-Unis et dit avoir espéré provoquer un débat mondial.
Tags: Apple, twitter, wikileaksThe Guardian WikiLeaks cables: US 'lobbied Russia on behalf of Visa and MasterCard' The Guardian A state department cable released this afternoon by WikiLeaks reveals that US diplomats intervened to try to amend a draft law going through Russia's duma, or lower house of parliament. Their explicit aim was to ensure the new law did not “disadvantage … and more
Tags: foreign-policy, hacker, var-script