Posts under iphone
Apple WGT Dictionnaire 1.3 Script Code Injection
Posted by deepcore under Apple, exploit, facebook, iphone, m$, OSX security tools, Privacy, Security, software, tools, twitter, XSS (No Respond)
Apple WGT Dictionnaire version 1.3 suffers from a script code injection vulnerability.
Tags: Apple, Security, tools, VulnerabilityApple QuickTime 7.7.2 TeXML Style Element font-table Field Stack Buffer Overflow
Twitter 5.0 Eavesdropping Proof Of Concept
Apple QuickTime 7.7.2 Buffer Overflow
Posted by deepcore under Apple, exploit, facebook, iphone, m$, OSX security tools, Privacy, Security, tools, twitter, XSS (No Respond)
Apple QuickTime versions 7.7.2 and below suffer from a buffer overflow vulnerability in the handling of TGA files.
Tags: Apple, exploit, linux, Security, VulnerabilityZero Day Initiative Advisory 12-185
Secunia Security Advisory 51226
Posted by deepcore under Apple, exploit, facebook, iphone, m$, OSX security tools, Privacy, Security, software, tools, twitter, XSS (No Respond)
Secunia Security Advisory – Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Apple QuickTime, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user’s system.
Tags: Security, Vulnerability, xssApple Security Advisory 2012-11-07-1
Secunia Security Advisory 51157
Secunia Security Advisory 51162
Posted by deepcore under Apple, exploit, facebook, iphone, m$, OSX security tools, Privacy, Security, software, tools, twitter, XSS (No Respond)
Secunia Security Advisory – A weakness and multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Apple iOS, which can be exploited by malicious people with physical access to bypass certain security restrictions and by malicious people to disclose certain system information and compromise a vulnerable device.
Tags: cisco, iphone, ubuntu, xss