Julian Assange Loses Another Round in Fight Against Extradition – The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times Julian Assange Loses Another Round in Fight Against Extradition The Epoch Times WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's bid to reopen his case against extradition from the U.K. to Sweden was turned down on Thursday.
Tags: blackberry, business, iphone, united-kingdom, wikileakBriton accused of hacking Fox, PBS websites
Briton already facing hacking allegations now charged with cracking into Fox, PBS websites
Android Network Spoofer – Pwn WiFi Networks
Developed by Digitalsquid, Network Spoofer is a powerful networking app for Android devices that lets you spoof people on your network. It comes with over a dozen “hacks” such as redirecting all websites to your chosen URL, redirect all YouTube videos to the famous Never Gonna Give You Up music video, blur all images on […]
Intercepter-NG Console Edition 0.1
Intercepter-NG [Console Edition] is a sniffer that offers various capabilities including sniffing for password hashes related to ORACLE/MYSQL/VNC/NNTP/CVS/WWW/HTTP/SOCKS/MRA/FTP/POP3/SMTP/IMAP/LDAP/AIM. It works on NT/Linux/BSD/IOS/Android and is optimized for screen size 80×30 or higher.
Tags: iphone, Security, twitterstrongSwan IPsec Implementation 4.6.3
strongSwan is a complete IPsec implementation for the Linux, Android, Maemo, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X operating systems.
Tags: adds-additional, modular-plugins, strongswan, trusted-networkstrongSwan IPsec Implementation 4.6.2
strongSwan is a complete IPsec implementation for the Linux, Android, Maemo, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X operating systems. It interoperates with with most other IPsec-based VPN products via the IKEv2 or IKEv1 key exchange protocols
Tags: ikev2-or-ikev1, modular-plugins, strongswan, trusted-networkVopium Clear Text Disclosure
Vopium for Android and iPhone leaks various data such as your password by passing it in the clear.
Tags: clear, leaks-various, passwordstrongSwan IPsec Implementation 4.6.1
strongSwan is a complete IPsec implementation for the Linux, Android, Maemo, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X operating systems. It interoperates with with most other IPsec-based VPN products via the IKEv2 or IKEv1 key exchange protocols.
Tags: adds-additional, ikev2-or-ikev1, linux, modular-plugins, trusted-network