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Tags: defacement notified by EvLaT_
Tags: defacementATutor version 2.2.4 suffers from a backup functionality remote command execution vulnerability.
Opencart versions and below suffer from an insecure OCMod generation remote command execution vulnerability.
ATutor version 2.2.4 suffers from a language_import arbitrary file upload that allows for command execution.
KDE 4/5 is vulnerable to a command injection vulnerability in the KDesktopFile class. When a .desktop or .directory file is instantiated, it unsafely evaluates environment variables and shell expansions using KConfigPrivate::expandString() via the KConfigGroup::readEntry() function. Using a specially crafted .desktop file a remote user could be compromised by simply downloading and viewing the file in […]
iMessage suffers from a heap overflow vulnerability when deserializing a URL. This affects Macs only.
CentOS Control Web Panel (CWP) version suffers from a remote command execution vulnerability.
CentOS Control Web Panel (CWP) versions through suffer from a user enumeration vulnerability.
CentOS Control Web Panel (CWP) version suffers from a reflective cross site scripting vulnerability.
Active PHP Bookmarks version 1.3 suffer from a cookie_auth error-based remote SQL injection vulnerability.