Agent Tesla Botnet Arbitrary Code Execution
Agent Tesla Botnet arbitrary code execution exploit.
Agent Tesla Botnet arbitrary code execution exploit.
AZORult Botnet suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
TortoiseSVN version 1.12.1 suffers from a remote code execution vulnerability.
msctf in the Text Services Framework suffers from multiple design flaws that can lead to things like UIPI bypass and interfering with processes.
NSKeyedUnarchiver suffers from an information leak when decoding the SGBigUTF8String class using [SGBigUTF8String initWithCoder:]. This class initializes the string using [SGBigUTF8String initWithUTF8DataNullTerminated:] even though there is no guarantee the bytes provided to the decoder are null terminated. It should use [SGBigUTF8String initWithUTF8Data:] instead. notified by 0x1998
Tags: defacement notified by 0x1998
Tags: defacementA vulnerability laboratory researcher (vxrl team) discovered a remote code execution vulnerability in the TortoiseSVN v1…