NTFS-3G Illicit Modprobe Execution
NTFS-3G has an issue where modprobe is executed with an unsanitized environment.
NTFS-3G has an issue where modprobe is executed with an unsanitized environment.
SonicDICOM PACS version 2.3.2 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.
SonicDICOM PACS version 2.3.2 suffers from a remote privilege escalation vulnerability.
Cimetrics BACstac Routing Service version 6.2f suffers from a local privilege escalation vulnerability.
Cimetrics BACnet Explorer version 4.0 suffers from an XML eXternal Entity vulnerability that allows for remote retrieval of arbitrary data.
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Joomla JE QuoteForm component suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Joomla JE Grid Folio component suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Joomla JE Ticket System component version 1.2 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
Joomla JE Portfolio Creator component version 1.2 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.