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Archive for February, 2010

Facebook Served As Primary Distribution Channel For Botnet Army

Posted by deepquest under Security (No Respond)

Internet security company NetWitness has just published a report that reveals an 18-month-long widespread hacker attack on computers worldwide whose topmost method of malware delivery was Facebook. However, while over 3500 Facebook login credentials were stolen, thatā€™s a very tiny percentage given there are over 400 million users of this social media site. Yahoo and Hi5 [ā€¦]


Cyber Attack Drill Finds U.S. Unprepared For Doomsday Scenarios (really??)

Posted by deepquest under Security (No Respond)

According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, the United States isnā€™t prepared to respond to an attack on its computer networks. An exercise conducted earlier this week found that critical communication and electrical power systems could be seriously affected.

Facebook Denies ā€˜All Wrongdoingā€™ in ā€˜Beaconā€™ Data Breach

Posted by deepquest under Privacy, Security (No Respond)

Facebook is denying it illegally breached the privacy of its users in a proposed $9.5 million settlement to a class action challenging its program that monitored and published what users of the social-networking site were buying or renting from Blockbuster, Overstock and other locations. To settle allegations that the social networking siteā€™s ā€œBeaconā€ program breached [ā€¦]

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Goodbye Iphone, Hello Nexus One (aka Google phone).

Posted by deepquest under Apple, iphone (No Respond)

After more than 2 years of loyal service of my 2G iphone, was about time to get a new mobile. Of course 3Gs was the one I looked at first being an old school Apple user. First Apple product used was more than 25 years. I assumed I can call myself an advanced Apple user. [ā€¦]

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