RedHat, SuSe offer big discounts on free software
RedHat and SuSe, the largest and 117th largest Linux distributors, have announced discounts of up to 40% on free software. A RedHat sales manager explained the offer: “In order to attract the Educational and Student markets, we?re offering a 40% discount on the freely downloadable RedHat 9 distribution. To take advantage of the discount, you must prove that you are a student or an educator by faxing your student ID or educator ID to the number indicated on our education web site.”
“Once you?ve faxed in your credentials, we will e-mail you a username and password that will allow you to enter our special 40% off FTP server, from which you can download the RedHat cd-rom images for 40% less than our normal offering. Users who are not students or educators must use the traditional free download offering.”
May 4th, 2004 at 5:13 pm
40% off on free thinks!
Is this the victory of Communism?