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iTunes Music Store Sells Over One Million Songs in First Week

Posted by deepquest on May 5, 2003 – 8:29 pm

Over half of the songs were purchased as albums, dispelling concerns that selling music on a per-track basis will destroy album sales

In addition, over half of the 200,000 songs offered on the iTunes Music Store were purchased at least once, demonstrating the breadth of musical tastes served by Apple’s groundbreaking online store. Apple also reported that over one million copies of iTunes 4 have been downloaded, and that it has received orders for over 110,000 new third-generation iPods since their introduction a week ago, with music lovers snapping up more than 20,000 of them from stores in the U.S. this weekend.
pr from [url=]Apple[/url]

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  1. 1. Eric Said:

    If all the compilations the big 5 record companies “produce” don’t kill the (real) album business, there is no reason to be worry about per-track sales, no ?

    Ones more a worry “invented” by “analysts”

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